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ISBN: 9789696375296
Category:    | MEDICAL BOOKS |
Color: 4
Size: 8.25′  x 11′ Inches
BookCover: Paperback
Number Of Pages: 576

Key Benefits:

GASTROENTEROLOGY AND LIVER DISEASES: This handbook consists of 60 chapters subdivided into six sections. Section 1 mainly focuses on evidence-based patient management. Sections 2 and 3 cover upper and lower gastrointestinal tract diseases. Section 4 discusses pancreatic diseases, while sections 5 and 6 deal with the biliary system and the liver. This handbook gathers information on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of digestive and liver diseases, focusing on what students need to know today.

Gastro Health Boost: Your Digestive Hero

Fast-Track Healing Blend

With our liver disease and gastroenterology solution, get fast relief. Our blend of ingredients is supported by science and targets digestive problems to facilitate rapid healing. It is revolutionary for anyone looking for a safe, all-natural fix for digestive issues.

Own Your Digestive Wellness

Take control of your path to better digestive health. Our solution improves liver function, balances the gut, and addresses common problems. Feel empowered to enjoy a happy, healthy digestive system and live life to the fullest.

Real Stories, Real Results

Meet the people our solution has helped to change. See before-and-after changes and read real testimonies and stories. Imagine the benefits to your life when you join a group of people who have found relief.

A helpful manual on liver diseases and gastroenterology for a longer, healthier lifeGASTROENTEROLOGY AND LIVER DISEASES
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